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Computer Applications in Business

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1.1 Introduction

In the era of machines, computer is the greatest boon to the mankind. The thought came when people wanted a device which could help in calculating problems but now it has become a life savior to human beings and we cannot think of life without computers. Today the word “computer” is not only confined to PC’s but also includes laptops, tablets, smart phones, Electrocardiogram (ECG) machines, etc. This unit would help in understanding the origin and evolution of computers, its classification on the various bases, its components and its applications in today’s world. The unit also makes the learner to know about certain advantages and disadvantages of computers.

1.2 Overview of Computers

A Computer is basically a programmable electronic device which accepts data, performs operations on the given data and presents the results and can also store the data or results as per the requirements. Computers are general-purpose information machines that can perform a variety of tasks on data. These tasks are all related to the four basic computer operations i.e. to accept data (input), process the data, produce output, and store (storage) the results as needed. These days computers do not only come in the form of personal computers (PC), but have taken various shapes. Computers are designed to do everything with available pool of information and are popularly used for controlling small and large machines which would have otherwise be controlled by human. Computers have made their presence in every field and they have their significance almost in every sphere. Computers have taken various forms in contemporary world. Almost everyone use a personal computer at their work space or in their home for performing tasks such as doing calculations, getting information, watching movies, formulating documents, organizing meetings, writing etc.

1.3 Meaning and Definition of Computer

The term “Computer’ is derived from the Latin word ‘computare’, which is defined as – “to calculate”, “to count” or ‘to sum up”, etc. in other words – “a computer is a device that performs computation”.

“A computer is a programmable electronic machine designed to take input, perform prescribed arithmetic and logical operations at fast speeds, and provide the output of these operation.”

Note: The first mechanical computer was designed in 1837 by Charles Babbage. It was called ‘Analytical Engine’. It was the first general-purpose compute. Charles Babbage is known as the father of the computer.

1.4 Importance of Computer

Computers play a vital role for processing of data in an organization. Computer help in processing the volumes of data efficiently and accurately within a short time. A computer has the following characteristics which make it so important for an organization:

1. Accurate: While doing calculations, a computer is more accurate than man can make mistakes in calculations but a computer does not make mistakes, if it is provided accurate instructions.

2. Diligence: A computer does not suffer from the human traits of tiredness and boredom. Man will be tired and bored while doing millions of calculations but a computer, being a machine, does this job very efficiently and without any tiredness and boredom.

3. Fast: A computer is so fast that it can perform the given task (arithmetical or logical) in few seconds as compared to man who can spend many months for doing the same task. A computer can process millions of instructions per second.

4. High Memory: A computer has much more memory or storage capacity than human being. It can store millions of data and instructions, which can be retrieved and recalled even after a number of years. This is not possible in case of human brain.

5. No Intelligence: A computer is a machine and obviously has no intelligence of its own. Each and every instruction must be given to the computer for doing a task. Man has an intelligence and it is the man who invented computer and gives it all the instructions and logic to work. A computer cannot take decisions on its own and it is the main drawback of computer.

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Book Type:

eBook, PDF (246 pages), 16 Chapters





This book is covering the complete syllabus of Computer Applications in Business. It is the only book of its kind which is student-friendly, teaching convenient, and exam-oriented at the same time. The main purpose of this book is to enable the student to write the correct, logical, relevant, coherent, well proportioned, and impressive answers to the questions asked in the examination.

The book has been written in very simple and understandable language along with the appropriate examples, diagrams, and other student-friendly concepts. Not only this book covers the long answer-type questions but also the short answer-type questions. Both of the question types are organized in the unit-wise syllabus.

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AppBook is really an innovative idea to educate tech savvy students.

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Lokayatan publication has come up with this innovative idea to make the learning process even more fun and engaging for learners.




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